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Each BRAD registrant receives educational materials and freebies.  This is made possible by Americans for Medical Progress, but we need your help to continue providing materials and education free of charge.

Both sponsorship and partnership opportunities are available to those who wish to support Biomedical Research Awareness Day. Contributions help sustain and grow the program, which creates an informed public on the topic of essential animal research. 


BRAD is a great way for your organization or company to show support of biomedical and animal research, provide education to specific audiences and the general public, and help sustain this powerful initiative. Become a sponsor to have your company logo featured on BRAD materials distributed to all participating institutions! 


Please consider supporting BRAD through a monetary contribution, creation of a specific giveaway, or by providing educational materials and freebies from your company.

Contact us if you are interested in learning more about sponsorship  opportunities and becoming an official BRAD supporter! 


Americans for Medical Progress (AMP) is working with organizations to provide education on the important role of animals in research to specific audiences and/or the general public. Is there a particular audience your organization would like to reach? Partner with AMP to have a BRAD Fellow devoted to expanding BRAD celebrations and education to specific audiences! 

Both Sponsors and Partners will be recognized, if desired, on the BRAD website ( and on specific materials.

Click the button below to see our sponsors and partners.

Learn more about the Michael D. Hayre Fellowship in Public Outreach

through Americans for Medical Progress.

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